I've been seeing a commercial lately about those steamed, microwavable dinners. The ones where they make it look like there is a whole kitchen and team of chefs inside the bag that you put in the microwave; they look pretty good. Then they say "Cook a delicious meal... without even cooking at all!"
Cook a meal without cooking. Wouldn't it be awesome if everything was like that? Write a paper without writing, read a book without reading, grow without growing.
I'm not even sure what I am trying to write, but I know I keep getting reminded of the Book of James and how he talks about trials in our lives. How when we go through trials to count it as joy. Count it as joy because that testing of our faith produces endurance/perseverance/patience, and that patience leads to maturity, perfect/complete/lacking nothing.
I so want to be mature in the Lord and to be the man He sees in me. I want to be walking without fear in all the things He has planned for me. I want to be joined to the Lord and be one spirit with Him. God is too good though to just throw me in the microwave and call me good. I cannot understand the things He is bringing me though, but James says I can ask God for wisdom and He will give it.
Trials bring growth.
God gives wisdom for trials.
God's grace is sufficient for me.
His strength is made perfect in my weakness.
I am not my own because I have been bought at a price.
This is a crazy time, but it is so good. It is a hard time, but I'm sick of worrying and not embracing it. Joy because I'm not who I was! Joy because I can be joined to the Lord! Joy because I can have less of me and more of Him! Joy because He is becoming more and more of my rock and foundation! Joy because the battle belongs to the Lord! Joy because He is bringing a hope and future! Joy because trials hurt, but His promises are yes and amen! Joy because He is my Father! Joy because I have a chance to become more like Him!